Everything about FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Exam) You Should Know
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Everything about FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Exam) You Should Know

Are you also an MBBS abroad graduate and have always dreamed of continuing your MBBS practice in India? Or planning to study PG in your own country? If the answer to all the above-mentioned questions is yes, then you must have heard about FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination).

For all the students who have studied MBBS abroad and have successfully qualified MBBS from a reputed medical university abroad and wish to continue their MBBS practice in India, then qualifying for the FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination) is a compulsion in order to get a medical license to practice your medical career in India. The FMGE exam is conducted by NBEMS (National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences) which is nothing but a subsidiary of the newly established National Medical Commission (NMC) formerly known as the Medical Council of India (MCI) since 2002.

In today’s blog, we are going to give you all the information that one Foreign Medical Graduate (FMG) must know before appearing for FMGE Examination.

Some Important Key Facts about FMGE

Name of the Examination

FMGE (Foreign Medical Graduate Examination)

Competent Authority  

National Board of Examinations (NBE)

FMGE June 2022       

June 4, 2022


Licensing Examinations

Frequency of Exam

Twice a Year

Mode of Application


Type of questions asked




Application Fee

Rs 5,500


5 hours

Part A: 150 minutes; Part B: 150 Minutes

The Total number of questions asked


Negative Marking


Total marks


Qualifying Marks

At least 50%

Number of Attempts Allowed for FMGE


What is the Significance of FMGE?

Foreign Medical Graduate Exam (FMGE) is one of the most highly anticipated and valuable medical examinations for all medical graduates who have studied MBBS abroad and have successfully qualified MBBS from abroad. Despite being an eligibility and licensing test to allow foreign medical graduates (FMG) to practice MBBS in India, FMGE is also a deciding factor when it comes to the fate of the students in terms of their careers to continue their MBBS practice in India. The FMGE is conducted by NBEMS but the declaration of the result and other procedures are directly undertaken by the National Medical Commission (NMC), formerly MCI (Medical Council of India)

The FMGE exam is conducted with the only intention of maintaining a certain standard amongst medical students who have completed their MBBS from medical universities of abroad. The purpose of this licensing examination is to enable the Indian students who have completed their MBBS abroad desires to continue their medical practice and medical career in India. Therefore, if a medical graduate has obtained a primary degree from a recognized an NMC and WDOMS enlisted medical university abroad and wants to become registered with the State or NMC (formerly known as the Medical Council of India (MCI)), then the student has to have appeared for this licensing examination.

The FMGE is conducted twice a year, once in the month of June and once in the month of December.

Who is Eligible to Appear for FMGE?

If you are a foreign medical graduate and wish to appear for any kind of examination in India, you must ascertain whether you are eligible to appear for the examination or not. The eligibility criteria to appear for FMGE as directed over the official bulletin is mentioned in the below section of this blog-

Note: Failure to meet any of the eligibility criteria would mean a cancellation of the candidate’s application. It is therefore imperative that a candidate must follow all the steps carefully.

Prescribed FMGE Exam Pattern

A comprehensive understanding of the FMGE exam pattern can immensely improve a candidate's chances of success. Furthermore, you must obtain at least 150 out of 300 points in the MCQs, i.e., achieve 50 percent in your test in order to qualify for it.

Below is the table with the FMGE Exam pattern

Exam Medium English
Exam Mode Online
Question Type Objective (MCQs)
Paper Set 2 (Part A & B)
Duration 5 hours (2.5 hrs. for each part)
Total number of Questions 300
Maximum Marks Rewards 300 (1 mark per correct answer)
Negative Marking Nil

Marking Scheme & Blue Print of FMGE 2022

For each correct answer at the exam awards the candidate will be given 1 mark where unanswered questions, as well as those marked wrongs, add 0 to the total score. The paper pattern is issued by the National Medical Commission (NMC), formerly MCI (Medical Council of India) with the approval of the Government of India. The following table elucidates the syllabus, topics, and marks weightage of the FMGE exam for the year 2022-

Pre and Para Clinical Subject Marks Number of Questions
Biochemistry 17 17
Forensic Medicine 10 10
Pathology 13 13
Physiology 17 17
Anatomy 17 17
Microbiology 13 13
Pharmacology 13 13
Total 100 100
Medicine and Allied Subjects Marks Number of Questions
Psychiatry 5 5
Radiotherapy 5 5
Medicine 33 33
Dermatology and STD 5 5
Total 48


General Surgery and Allied Subjects Marks Number of Questions
Anesthesiology 5 5
Radiodiagnosis 5 5
General surgery 32 32
Orthopedics 5 5
Total 47 47
Other Clinical Subject Marks Number of Questions
Community Medicine 30 30
Ophthalmology 15 15


15 15
Otorhinolaryngology 15 15
Obstetrics and Gynecology 30 30
Total 105 105

Important Dates- FMGE 2022

As per the announcement made by the board, the FMGE 2022 will be conducted on 4th June 2022 and 17th December 2022. The students, once completing the eligibility criteria, can appear on either FMGE in June or December 2022 depending on their choice and feasibility.

Here is the list of all the important dates related to FMGE 2022-

FMGE 2022 June- Final Dates

Information Brochure Release Date March 15, 2022
Online Registration for the Exam March 15, 2022
Last Date for the form Filling April 4, 2022
Edit window for the Form April 8 to April 12, 2022
Final edit window for the photograph, signature, and left-hand impression May 6, 2022
Availability of Admit Card May 27, 2022
Date of the FMGE June 4, 2022
Result Declaration June 20, 2022

FMGE 2022 December- Tentative Dates

Information Brochure Release Date October 2022
Online Registration for the Exam October 2022
Last Date for the form Filling October 2022
Edit window for the Form November 2022
Final edit window for the photograph, signature, and left-hand impression December 2022
Availability of Admit Card December 2022
Date of the FMGE December 2022
Result Declaration 3rd week of Jan 2023

Government Authorized Examination FMGE June 2022 Centers List

The National Board of Examination (NBE) in the official information bulletin available on its website has listed all the names of all the cities where the FMGE examination is going to be conducted. As per the bulletin, the authority conducts the exam in all these states mentioned below in the table

Visakhapatnam Mumbai City
Guwahati Nagpur
Patna Pune
New Delhi Shillong
Ahmedabad Bhubaneswar
Faridabad Mohali
Jammu Jaipur
Srinagar Chennai
Ranchi Hyderabad
Bengaluru Lucknow
Kozhikode Noida
Thiruvananthapuram Dehradun
Bhopal Kolkata

Note- All the candidates when reporting to their FMGE examinations enters must carry the documented mentioned below in the list-

FMGE June 2022 Result

As mentioned by the National Board of Examinations (NBE), a student needs to get 150 points out of 300 in the FMGE exam to qualify the examination in order to get the medical license to practice MBBS in India. Therefore, the cutoff mark for FMGE 2022 is 150 points, otherwise, a student must retake the test as below 150 the student is not eligible to get the license to practice MBBS in India.

FMGE exam results are usually published shortly after the exam is conducted. You can easily view the results on the official website of the National Board of Examination i.e., www.nbe.edu.in The results will be announced in PDF format. The FMGE 2022 result will be made available in PDF format for students to download for their reference. The candidates would be able to download their scorecards by logging into their applicant’s login portal with the credentials provided during the filling of the application form. The scorecard would contain details like roll number, marks scored, etc.

How to check your FMGE 2022 result Online on the Official website?

Issuance of “Passing Certification” by NMC (National Medical Commission)

All the FMGE June 2022 qualified candidates would then have to collect their “Passing Certificate” from the head office of the NMC (National Medical Commission). The commission will issue the notice to all the qualified students inviting them to book a slot and collect the passing certificate to get the medical license to practice MBBS in India. This certificate acts as a license for all the students to practice medicine as a professional in India.