Latest Update for NEET UG 2022 Admissions:
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Latest Update for NEET UG 2022 Admissions:

With respect to the order of the Honourable Supreme Court of India dated 23/03/2012 passed in I. A No. 16/2012 in Civil Appeal No. 1944 of 1993 - Anand S.Biji Vs State of Kerala & Other states & vide order as per dated on 09/5/2017 passed in Writ Petition(c ) No.267 of 2017 –Dar-Us-Salam Educational Trust & Ors Vs MCI & Ors. Directorate General of health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has been entrusted with the responsibility to hold on-line Counselling for 15% AIQ seats for UG courses, for PG courses 50% of AIQ seats and for Super-specialty courses (DM/Mch) 100% seats that too with respect to notifications of MoHFW and various Gazette notification of NMC, various Court orders.

The Counselling sessions for medical admissions are divided into three different parts as mentioned below:

All the NEET aspirants irrespective of whichever course they are looking for should take into consideration about the systematic order that MCC of DGHS will be conducting the counselling sessions:

UG Counselling:

  • From this year onwards, 15% All India Quota seats of all states including Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. So, for the All India Quota counselling conducted by MCC of DGHS Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir will also be contributing their 50% broad specialty Medical/ Dental seats.
  • 100% JIPMER seats (Puducherry/ Karaikal)
  • 100% MBBS/ BDS Seats of BHU
  • 100% Faculty of Dentistry for Jamia Milia Islamia also including 5% internal Quota of Jamia students
  • Across the country, 100% MBBS Seats of AIIMS
  • 100% AMU
  • 85% of State Quota seats of DU and I.P University such as VMMC or ABVIMS or ESIC Dental
  • 15% IP quota seats of ESIC.

PG Counselling:

MCC has announced conducting the counselling for the following Institutions/Universities:

  • From this year onwards, 15% All India Quota seats of all states including Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. So, for the All India Quota counselling conducted by MCC of DGHS Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir will also be contributing their 50% broad specialty Medical/ Dental seats.
  • 100% seats of Deemed Universities.
  • 100% seats of All India Quota seats + Institutional Quota seats of Central Universities such as Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, University of Delhi, Central Institutes as per eligibility conditions as provided by the respective college or institute.
  • 50% AIQ P.G seats of colleges under Employee State Insurance Corporation such as wards of ESIC insured persons.
  • Armed Forces Medical Services Institutions that too only Registration part.

Super Specialty Counselling:

For the course of DM/Mch across country for State or Private College & Deemed Universities by the Directorate General of Health Services, MoHFW, except INI institutes i.e., Institute of National Importance, the MCC has been entrusted with the responsibility to conduct counselling for 100% seats of the contributing states

So, all the NEET UG 2022 aspirants looking for MBBS or BDS courses are thereby informed that counselling for All India Quota seats for Institutional Quota or Domicile (internal candidates) of Central Universities such as Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, University of Delhi, Faculty of Dentistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, (wards of ESIC insured persons) seats of colleges under Employee State Insurance Corporation and Armed Forces Medical College, Pune for the Under graduate session 2019-20 will be conducted by Medical Counselling Committee or Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, Directorate General of Health Services.

  • So, for participation in Institutional Quota with regards to internal seats of Central Universities like Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, University of Delhi, Faculty of Dentistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, internal quota seats of colleges under Employee State Insurance Corporation and Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, candidates are required to go for registration at official website of Medical Counselling Committee (
  • Apart from all this, aspirants from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh will be eligible for participation against the 15% All India Quota seats.
  • Aspirants should make a note that at the time of registration non-Refundable registration counselling fees and refundable tuition fees have to be paid by the aspirants.
  • Under PH Category, reservation of seats has been increased from 3% to 5% and the 21 Benchmark Disabilities as suggested under the regulations of “THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 2016” are also included under the PH category for participation.

For Reservation of seats under PH Category For range of 21 benchmark intellectual disabilities please visit

So, aspirants although the counselling session in India will take time, you still have a chance to explore various opportunities available around the world in order to fulfil your dream of becoming an MBBS doctor.

In case, as there are major controversies with regards to MBBS admissions in India, all those aspirants who are not able to secure a medical seat in India for MBBS, we would advise those aspirants to not lose hope and grab the opportunity of pursuing MBBS from Russia, MBBs from China MBBS from Bangladesh and MBBS from Abroad.

We, at New Era Education, provides in depth counselling session to all those aspirants who wish to pursue the course of MBBS from Abroad. Our expert counsellors will not only provide you with the complete information of best medical institutes all around the world but will also help you with your admissions and visa procedure.

We will also help you shortlist the university as per NMC gazette and guidelines so that after completion of the course when you return to your country you do not have to worry about applying for the NEXT exam in order to get a practising license in India.