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The Corona virus pandemic has strive enormous pressure on our society and brought a lot changes in our day to day activities. From the last two years after this deadly virus emerged nationwide, it has managed to turn the lives of almost every person around the globe, topsy-turvy. The completely shattered turn of day to day activities was obviously unstable and physically, mentally and financially affected people of all ages in one form or another. There were off course a prominent rise in difficulties and concerns in the daily activities which are everyday performing tasks.

There is not a single section of the society around the world which was not affected with the changes that occurred due to the emergence of this deadly corona virus pandemic. Against their nature, the matured trying to adjust themselves with the new arrangements, global setbacks affecting the income and livelihood of parents, the toddlers and children were hold captive in their household, the future of teenagers hung over uncertainty, the ages old trouble of the technology, the young adults seemingly lost to the fear of unknown, and so on.

Currently, the above mentioned ‘young adults’ are trying to navigate their way into their future and at the same time dealing with the side effects that has emerged because of the outbreak of this pandemic. Moreover, all around the world, all the colleges and universities have shut their classrooms for their students and in some serious cases did not even take the new admissions.

But, however, medical universities of Russia actively worked with their tooth and nail to serve all the students, even during these extremely difficult times for the ongoing batch as well as the fresh batch with the best of their capabilities. Most of the top medical universities in Russia not only arranged the online learning resources, effectively but also took the appropriate measure that the learning of the students during this pandemic is as effective as that in classroom.

The country witnessed a remarkable enthusiasm among the students for MBBS in Russia, the quintessential need of excellence and fulfilling one’s dreams, the urge and efforts for appearing for exams and for securing admissions even though there was worldwide lockdown.

Currently in 2021, when most of the countries in the world have entered into the post-pandemic era, the universities have managed to learn from the past and thus, are more prepared than ever before.

What are some of the most Effective course of actions that are taken by the top medical universities of Russia post the pandemic?

Now we will be looking at the benefits of pursuing MBBS in Russia in a post-pandemic world for Indian students?